Tuesday, June 29, 2010


Team Oystercatcher finished the Round Ireland Double Handed Saturday the 26th June around lunch time.

We finished up:

2nd Double Handed Class
1st Class 3
1st Class 4
2nd in the Teams (our Team was Pride of Wicklow, Aquelina and Oystercatcher)
10th Overall

We want to thank all our sponsors for their great support

Noonan Boats
Go Sailing
Viking Marine
Dun Laoghaire Marina
Galway Maritime
Driver Focus
Crowleys DFK

And the many more that gave great advice and support.

We have raised over 1400 euro for the National Childrens Hospital and are well on our way to reaching our 2000 euro goal.

We really appreciate everyones support

Friday, June 18, 2010

Final preparation

Just want to thank everyone that has helped us out over the last few months. Its been a long road but we are finally here in wicklow harbour and fully fit a ready for this enormous challenge.

38 hours till the start of the Round Ireland Yacht Race. We passed our safety check this morning with only a minor issue with white flares. With a trip to Viking Marine, one of the top chandlery companies in the country, this issue was sorted immediately. They provide an excellence service and we a delighted to have their support throughout this Double Handed Campaign.

The boat is finally fully set for this long endurance race and we can sleep with ease tonight. Tomorrow morning will start off with the food shop that has to last the entire race around Ireland. Carefully thought and planning has gone into ensuring we both get sufficient calorie intake and nutrients from each meal.

Once the shop is completed and carefully stowed in Oystercatcher we then move on to the technical side of the race. This involves carefully picking our waypoints for each section all the way around Ireland and then programming them both into our GPS ( Global Positioning System) and Chart Plotter. Also weather forecasts and tidal times with be of great importance. There are numerous areas around Ireland where the tide is exceptionally strong. Wicklow head being the first! This may become an issue at the start of the race as there is light winds forecast and a strong northerly tide...

The start is on Sunday at 1200 hours.
Hope to see you before we set off on this long endurance race

Tedz and Brian
Team Oystercatcher

Friday, June 4, 2010

Fundraising night for Team Oystercatcher

Fundraising night for Bryan Byrne and Brian Flahive in their Double Handed Round Ireland Yacht Race campaign in aid of The National Children’s Hospital.

Saturday the 12th June at 7pm in the 40 foot.

Just across the road from the dart station in Dun Laoghaire. Above Viking Marine. Area sectioned off inside and an area outside if we have good weather!

This accommodates for the Match Racing Leinsters being held in Dun Laoghaire and the yachts returning after the Lambay Race.

There will be Raffles and Auctions with some pretty impressive prizes.
(If anyone wishes to donate prizes for the raffle they can give me a bell on 086 0841397, we would really appreciate it)

Looking forward to seeing you all there and we really appreciate any support you can give.